My last blog left off with us finding Rossmount B&B in
the pitch dark. By day light we could
see it was a lovely (albeit remote) spot.
Breakfast was served out of doors in a two walled, ceiling-ed room. It was very pretty but cold!! It was also 6:30 am and the sun was not
terribly strong yet.
We wanted to get such an early start because down the road
45 min. at the coast was wild dolphin feeding.
Apparently a number of years ago a dolphin was rescued from a fishing net by a few volunteers. After being rescued, the dolphin continued to
come back to Tin Can Bay and the volunteers would feed her. This connection turned into a long lasting
routine and she eventually brought her mate with her and after some time, their
son. Now a days it has become a more organized
Volunteers with wild dolphins waiting for breakfast |
For $5 you can buy a pail
with a few fish in it, and cue up by the water.
The dolphins are wild, so the organizing volunteers are careful to make
sure that only about an eighth of their daily food requirement is given to them
each morning.
Penni-Sue feeds a dolphin |
Serenna feeding a dolphin |
Zac feeding a wild dolphin |
The volunteers are always the last ones to feed the dolphins so they know when breakfast is over. Then the dolphins swim away until the next morning....
It was time to drive to Hervey Bay for some whale
watching. We knew we needed to be there by noon to
arrange our afternoon trip. What should
have been less than a 2 hour drive turned into 4 hour pain in the ass. On a rather isolated road we blew a
No phone reception, no towns for at least 30 km, nothing but
forest and one lonely long road. Really,
it felt like the drive between North Bay and New Liskeard only with much less
traffic (only saw a handful of other vehicles) and no impressive Canadian Shield
. Fortunately we had a spare tire and a
handy daddy to get the job done!
Temporarily stranded by the roadside |
At the next town we called the car rental company and were
informed that we were responsible for replacing the tire. Nice!
So, not wanting to risk driving any further without a spare (cell phone
reception across Australia is very patching – Big country, little population)
we had to find a garage and wait for a new tire to be put on the rim. It was a very good thing that we started the
day at 5:30am as we actually made it to
Hervey Bay in time to go Whale watching.
If I could give each of
you a gift of a day out, it would be to Hervey Bay in Sept. to see the whales
here. It was amazing. I truly wish I could fill the boat with
family and friends just so you could see
first hand how BIG, playful, curious, and awe inspiring the whales were. Sadly my pictures do not do it justice but I
hope I can convey a small sense of how amazing these whales were.
This is only the back half of the whale |
"Spy Hop": taking a look above the surface |
Three whales, one is a calf approx. 6 months |
These are Humpback Whales and every year on their migration from the Antarctic to the warmer water of the tropics,
between Aug. and Oct., they come
into Hervey Bay where there is a huge body of water between the mainland and
the world’s largest sand Island (Fraser Island). Here the humpbacks rest up and play and feed
for a few weeks, giving their calves time to strengthen up before continuing
their migration. Apparently it is a hot
spot for whale research and scientist are able to identify individual whales and their whale songs
and track their migrations. Our boat Captain
lowered a microphone into the water and we could hear the whales singing – very
We learned that they have some behaviour patterns to watch
for. This post shows each of them.
When we first spotted the whales it was from a distance but
it was still very exciting. There are
rules that boats cannot drive right up to the whales and bother them. So each time a new pod of whales was spotted
the Captain would get with in the allowed limit and then we would wait and see
if the whales were interested in us. If so,
they would swim over to the boat and check us out! Our guide assured us that the whales were
very curious and they would stick around longer if we waved and talked to
them. We had some VERY close
encounters. A whale came so close to the water level viewing
platform that Jason could have touched it.
Their skin has all sorts of muscles and sea crustaceans attached to them.
Humpback whale about to swim under boat |
Whale tale (notice Zac front and center) |
Whale blowing bubbles beside the boat |
We had about 3 hours with the whales (- imagine the number
of photos our 3 cameras took!) and about an hour of travel time each way. Near the end of our afternoon we came upon
yet another pod of three whales that were pec. slapping and breeching. Just when we thought the day could not get
any better, they swam closer to us and pec. slapped at the side of the boat. We could feel the mist when the blew out
their blow holes. We learned that
Humpback whales have two blow holes and they have a baleen instead of
teeth. They feed on krill, not fish (or people), making Humpbacks the gentle giants of the ocean.
Humpback Whale breeching |
Humpback Whale Pec. Slapping |
More Pec. Slapping beside the boat |
3 whales, including mother and calf |
We headed back to shore as the sun was setting and as one
last treat a lone dolphin decided to swim along side the boat for few
minutes! Awesome experience.
Dolphin racing with our boat |
A memorable day! |
One last 'spy hop' because they are so cool!! |